Using an anonymous company as an example
Case Study:
Digital Spare parts catalogs
Using an anonymous company as an example
Case study: Digital spare parts catalogsInitial situation

A leading manufacturer of industrial machinery faced the challenge of providing an efficient and user-friendly spare parts catalog for its customers. The previous process was manual, tedious, and error-prone, causing delays in ordering spare parts and affecting customer satisfaction. The company recognized the need to digitize its spare parts processing to improve customer service and increase efficiency.

The Solution
Build a service platform using dplain Cloud.
Das Unternehmen entschied sich für die Implementierung eines digitalen Ersatzteilkatalogs, der es Kunden ermöglicht, schnell und einfach nach benötigten Ersatzteilen zu suchen, Bestellungen aufzugeben und Lieferzeiten einzusehen. Die Lösung umfasste folgende Schritte:
- Datenkonsolidierung: Alle Ersatzteilinformationen wurden in einer zentralen Datenbank gesammelt und strukturiert, um eine einheitliche und konsistente Darstellung sicherzustellen.
- Benutzerfreundliche Schnittstelle: Der Ersatzteilkatalog wurde mit einer benutzerfreundlichen Schnittstelle entwickelt, die eine intuitive Navigation, eine leistungsstarke Suchfunktion und Filteroptionen bietet, um Kunden bei der schnellen und genauen Identifizierung der benötigten Teile zu unterstützen.
- Echtzeit-Verfügbarkeitsprüfung: Kunden konnten die Verfügbarkeit der Ersatzteile in Echtzeit überprüfen, um genaue Informationen über Lieferzeiten zu erhalten und eine fundierte Entscheidung zu treffen.
- Ordering process optimization: the ordering process was automated to reduce the chance of errors and shorten processing times. Customers could place their orders directly through the platform and track progress.
- Improved customer satisfaction: measured through customer feedback and satisfaction surveys.
- Reduced processing times: Reduced average turnaround time for spare parts orders.
- Increased order accuracy: reduction in spare parts order error rate.
- Increased sales: Verification of increase in spare parts orders and associated revenue growth
The implementation of the digital spare parts catalog led to significant improvements for the company and its customers
- Customer satisfaction: customers praised the improved user experience and the ability to quickly and easily find the spare parts they need. This led to higher customer satisfaction and repeat purchases.
- Reduced processing times: The average processing time for spare parts orders was reduced by 40% as the manual process was replaced by automation. This resulted in faster delivery of spare parts to customers.
- Increased order accuracy: By using the digital spare parts catalog, the error rate for orders was reduced by 30%. Customers received the right parts in the right quantities, resulting in fewer returns and complaints.
- Increased revenue: Spare parts revenue increased by 20% as customers ordered spare parts more frequently due to the improved user experience and efficiency of the ordering process.
Satisfied customers report:
“The digital spare parts catalog has revolutionized our workflow. It has become so much easier to find and order the parts we need. Delivery times are faster, and we have far fewer errors when ordering. Our customer service has improved significantly.”
“The implementation of the digital spare parts catalog has significantly improved our cooperation with the company. We can now order the parts we need quickly and easily, and delivery times are shorter. Our machines are down less, and that has a positive effect on our productivity.”
“I am impressed by the user-friendliness of the digital spare parts catalog. The search function is fast and accurate, and I can check parts availability in real time. This saves me a lot of time and effort. I will definitely continue to order my spare parts through this platform.”
Implementing a digital spare parts catalog has helped the anonymous company improve customer service, increase efficiency, and boost sales. Customers benefit from an improved user experience, faster delivery times and fewer ordering errors. The positive results show the importance of digitizing processes in the spare parts business and how it can help companies strengthen their competitiveness and build customer loyalty.