B2B Multishop Strategy for Industrial Companies
B2B Multishop Strategy for Industrial Companies
A multishop concept is always interesting when manufacturers and retailers offer a large product range and want to create special shops for certain product groups. With the B2B multishop strategy, several service portals including online shop function can be conveniently managed and controlled at the same time.
Steuern Sie mehrere Shops oder Serviceportale bequem
über eine zentrale Infrastruktur. Control several shops or service portals vonveniently via a central infrastructure
A multishop concept is always interesting when manufacturers and retailers offer a large product range and want to create special shops for certain product groups. With the B2B multishop strategy, several service portals including online shop function can be conveniently managed and controlled at the same time.

A multishop solution makes it possible to separate offered products in order to make individual contents visible on all channels. The data master and the installation are maintained centrally in a backend and companies can adapt their offers more specifically to customer wishes. If product information is optimised centrally, companies can provide customers with all important information efficiently and cost-effectively. A multishop offers the possibility to serve several shops or service portals at the same time and thus reduces the time-consuming administration.
In addition, with the multishop, products and services can also be offered across countries and the respective requirements are individually adapted. With this function, companies have the opportunity to address specific target groups more directly and to better adapt to their needs, which in turn strengthens customer relationships and increases sales.


- Reach different target groups
With several online shops or service portals, the customer approach is kept more direct and specific target groups are more easily reached and convinced.
- Specialised product range
Several products from different assortments and price ranges can be offered. In addition, sales losses are reduced and the risk can be spread over several shops.
- Possibility to sell globally
With the multi-shop strategy, companies also gain the opportunity to offer their products on the global market. Product descriptions and web texts are automatically translated into other languages and the general terms and conditions, tax settings, currency and shipping options are individually adapted.
- Unterschiedliche Zielgruppen erreichen
Mit mehreren Online-Shops oder Serviceportalen wird die Kundenansprache direkter gehalten und bestimmte Zielgruppen werden leichter erreicht und überzeugt.
- Spezialisiertes Produktsortiment
Es können mehrere Produkte aus verschiedenen Sortimenten und Preisklassen angeboten werden. Außerdem werden Umsatzeinbußen gemindert und das Risiko kann auf mehrere Shops verteilt werden.
- Möglichkeit global zu verkaufen
Mit der Multishop-Strategie gewinnen Unternehmen auch die Möglichkeit, ihre Produkte auf dem globalen Markt anbieten zu können. Produktbeschreibungen und Webtexte werden automatisch in andere Sprachen übersetzt und die AGBs, Steuereinstellungen, Währung und Versandoptionen werden individuell angepasst.

- Control several shops at the same time
Several B2B shops are conveniently controlled via one backend and customer and order management is also carried out via the central administration area. Designs, plug-ins and other additional functions can be individually set and edited.
- One-time development of extensions
With the multishop strategy, the extensions only have to be developed once and are then available for all online shops or service portals. Low effort, numerous options
With the B2B solution, online shops can be created for several countries and a larger product range can be covered without having to invest a lot of effort.