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Kunze - die Welt der Arbeitsbühnen

Seit nun schon 30 Jahren beschäftigt sich die Firma Kunze mit Hubarbeitsbühnen und der Thematik Höhenzugänge & Höhentätigkeiten! Die Technik der Hubarbeitsbühnen war es, verbunden mit dem Abenteuer, Höhenziele zu erreichen, was Karl Kunze faszinierte.

Interview with Kunze Bühnen - Spare parts shop 1

Kunze - the world of working platforms


Kunze – the world of working platforms

For 30 years now, the Kunze company has been dealing with aerial work platforms and the subject of height access & height activities! It was the technology of aerial work platforms, combined with the adventure of reaching heights, that fascinated
fascinated Karl Kunze.


Interview with Kunze Bühnen - Spare parts shop 1


“Together with my father Karl Kunze, as I think it makes sense to involve the “old” generation. Without his agreement, the project would not have been implemented!”

Charly Kunze

Managing Director, Kunze GmbH

“Gemeinsam mit meinem Vater Karl Kunze, da ich denke, dass es Sinn macht, die „alte“ Generation mit einzubeziehen. Ohne sein Einverständnis wäre das Projekt nicht umgesetzt worden!“

Charly Kunze

Managing Director, Kunze GmbH





Question 1

Do you expect a better contact to your existing customers by using dplain?

Question 1

Do you expect a better contact to your existing customers by using dplain?

On the one hand, we expect better contact with existing customers, but on the other hand we also want to give new customers the feeling that we think about what will be important for the customer in further use even before they buy a machine. Spare parts supply and documentation is an important part of the purchase and should be presented as transparently as possible. In the B2B sector, manual search work is still far too often necessary when it comes to spare parts or service documentation. What could be worse than also having to wait for information? We don’t see this as an unnecessary waste in our company, it also means unnecessary waiting time for the customer. With the new customer portal we can present our existing information and prices at any time 24/7.


Question 2

Will the processes involved in handling existing customers (spare parts management, complaints, service requests, etc.) be simplified by using dplain?

Question 2

Will the processes involved in handling existing customers (spare parts management, complaints, service requests, etc.) be simplified by using dplain?

In any case, it can be expected that the processing will be drastically shortened. Of course, maintenance of the system is necessary, but this is done once, after which any changes in terms of documentation and spare parts are visible to every customer. We want to provide customers with a central point of contact for their after-sales concerns.


Questions 3

How satisfied are you with the project implementation and the implementation speed of dnetwo?

Questions 3

How satisfied are you with the project implementation and the implementation speed of dnetwo?

The cooperation so far has been absolutely transparent at all times and also meets our expectations of dnetwo. With the team around Florian Kölsch we have found competent contact persons, who offer us the possibility to raise our after-sales to a new level and thus to be able to compete as a dealer with larger manufacturers. At the same time, I think the exchange of experience is extremely important for both sides, and this openness, especially with regard to ideas, naturally brings us further and further forward ourselves.


Question 4

Why would you recommend dnetwo with your solution dplain?

Questions 4

Why would you recommend dnetwo with your solution dplain?

Because it is inevitable to try to keep up with digital solutions that customers from other business areas are used to. With dplain, we can map a digital spare parts catalog that creates a unique selling point for us compared to our competitors. At the same time, it is important to understand what problems and concerns the customer has in after sales, through complete transparency of the information available to us, our customers also see better what we can offer them in after sales and where we as a dealer may first have to contact the manufacturer.


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